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We are really pleased to meet you here at the website of LLP «Kazgereco» (KAZGEREKO).
As for today, the oil branch of Kazakhstan is one of the major economic infrastructures of the Republic. Income from our oil and gas raw materials and mineral oil supplies to internal and external markets in many respects provides an unprecedented increase of gross national product of 10-15 %, annually. This activity creates preconditions for further prosperity and promotion of the Republic Kazakhstan to make it one of the most dynamical world developing countries. That is why, a continuous increase of subsurface use share, including oil and gas fields exploration and commissioning rates growth is such a significant factor. Already, as of today, these strategic proved reserves have come nearer 10 billion tons, while their forecasted quantity has estimated as 25 billion tons, but it is far from a final estimation.
The oil and gas sector, as well as the mining industry will be a main donor during the Kazakhstan economy diversification. We should use the country power advantages, effectively, striving to stage by stage oil and gas extraction and export increases. Our target is to make Kazakhstan one of the ten-top world exporters of oil by 2012! We should transform the potential of our achievements into a powerful energy of development and to overcome the new life challenges, appearing on our path, rightly».
The words of Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, were understood by the oil and gas industry employees as guidance. The large team of LLP «Kazgereco» (KAZGEREKO), including Serikzhan Seytzhanov, our head and Honoured Worker of Republic of Kazakhstan, self-denyingly, work on implementation of the strategic task. Thus, the company general purpose is promotion of the state economic potential development and social programs, in every possible way, observing norms on preservation of environment, well-being, safety and health of employees, members of their families.
LLP «Kazgereco» (KAZGEREKO) is considered as one of the most successful and dynamically developing enterprises in the Kazakhstan oil and gas market, deservedly. Our main activity is extraction of hydrocarbonic raw materials in Kyzylordinskiy region.
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