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About the company

LLP «Kazgereco» (KAZGEREKO), the oil company is considered one of the most successful and dynamically developing enterprises of the oil and gas market of Republic of Kazakhstan, deservedly. Prospecting and extraction of hydrocarbon raw in perspective Kyzylordinskiy region are its main activities.


Serikzhan Seytzhanovich Seytzhanov is the president of LLP «Kazgereco» (KAZGEREKO) Company since 2003 to present time. He is the Honored Worker of Republic of Kazakhstan, Dr. Tech. Sci., Full Member of International Academy of Science, Education, Industry and Arts (USA).

Serikzhan Sejtzhanovich was awarded by Honour Mark order, Altyn Zhuek gold medals and Patron of Education – 2008 Title for his self-denying work, considerable personal contribution to the republican oil and gas industrial branch and social infrastructure. Also, he received a thankful letter from Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbaev, the President at the 10 anniversary of Republic of Kazakhstan independence. In addition, Nursultan Abishevich noted S.S.Seytzhanov's achievements in sphere of business as social policy instrument. He personally handed over to him Paryz gold figurine, honourable award as a result of Best Social Project of the Year nomination award.

In 2008 S.S.Seytzhanov was awarded by Honourable Explorer of Mineral Resources badge, administered by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of Kazakhstan for a long-term creative activity in the scientific and technical progress in exploration area.

Experienced management was noted by awards and merits of the company team, as a whole. In particular, LLP «Kazgereco» (KAZGEREKO) is the winner of Honour Mark prestigious international award in National Economy Leader nomination, and the company was awarded by Commonwealth Star order (2008) due to its large contribution to progressing of economic potential of the CIS and establishment of fruitful cooperation between the Russian Federation and Republic of Kazakhstan.

History Milestones

The starting point of LLP «Kazgereco» (KAZGEREKO) history is signing of subsurface use contract with the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of Kazakhstan in 2001. Participation in open subsurface use investment project competition was successful, - Serikzhan Seytzhanov, president of LLP «Kazgereco» (KAZGEREKO) Company shares his experience. The Commission evaluated our offer as perspective; thereby it made it possible for us to sign some attractive contracts of different authorization levels. Contracts on prospecting and extraction of natural hydrocarbon in Kyzylordinsky and Karaganda fields were the first ones in 2001.

One more significant event of the company history took place on 11 August 2003. At that time, LLP «Kazgereco» (KAZGEREKO) purchased over 43 % share of Terenozekmunayonimderi OJSC, one of the largest Kyzylordinskaya Oblast oil enterprises.

One more, remarkable event happened in 2005. LLP «Kazgereco» (KAZGEREKO) purchased the industrial base of former Kyzylordasnab enterprise including technological and auxiliary buildings and structures. As a result, Kyzylordinskiy branch was incorporated on this base. It’s reconstruction was held, consequently. Kyzylordinskiy branch office overhaul is underway at present time. The company extracts and prospects owns comfortable camps and indispensable infrastructure, which it constructed starting from naught baseline to commissioning date, 100 km of internal and 20 km of access motorways have been built on contract territories. The company has been engaged in extraction and prospecting HR (hydrocarbon raw) since 2004. Kenlyk and East Akshabulak deposits adjoining places were planted, equipped by athletic fields. Also, building of hotel complex with pond was completed in Kenlyk deposit.

By present time, the company owns considerable capacities and modern equipment with the help of which, it can operatively resolve any complicated managerial tasks. The enterprise has an integral organisational network, including industrial base of Kyzylordinskiy branch and Terenozek Kyzylordinskoye field terminal service, Astana, and Kyzylorda branches.

Vast qualified and professional staff, effective management, constant quality monitoring, strong investment potential of LLP «Kazgereco» (KAZGEREKO) explains its industrial confident leadership positions and subsurface use business partner attractiveness.

Aims and Perspectives

The LLP «Kazgereco» (KAZGEREKO) basic means share has been invested in obligations under HR prospecting and extraction contracts made with Republic of Kazakhstan, which include well boring, improvement, flow lines, ground-level constructions and dissolved gas salvaging. The company management has developed new production maximization plans.

Our strategic target is supporting of the state economical potential and social programs in every possible way, thereby promoting environmental protection, well-being, safety and health of the employees and members of their families.

We see production upgrading to international quality standards and oil volumes permanent increase at account of the newest technologies in the perspective future. We aspire to enhance the business operations scale, as much as possible and to make LLP «Kazgereco» (KAZGEREKO) Company the recognised leader of the Kazakhstan oil and gas branch.

Astana, Saryarka District, Taras
Shevchenko Street, 8/2, Kv
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