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Strengthening of cooperation with Russian suppliers

  february 2011

LLP «Kazgereco» (KAZGEREKO) is continuously developing field infrastructure. It has established and maintains relations with many Russian equipment producers.

For example, in fourth quarter of 2010, Automated Systems and Complexes the known Russian enterprise requested by LLP «Kazgereco» (KAZGEREKO) completed adjustment works on high-voltage gentle start-ups of block of high-lift pumps (HLP) at Kenlyk field.

The block and sectional high-pressure pump station (HPPS) of three HLPs was used for creation and maintenance of required operating pressure for well water delivery through the block of pressure manifold valves. Artificial support of formations pressure would be impossible during production.

Works on adjustment and commissioning were hindered by instability of the power line connected with the turbine unit, which simultaneously serviced field oil pumping.

HLP actuating asynchronous electric motors of 630 KW were used in system setup of 6 KV electric tension. Accordingly, electric drive of each motor engine was based on gentle start-up PAD-V-K device controlling asynchronous high-voltage motor engines (6 KV). Automated Systems and Complexes CJSC (Closed Joint-Stock Company) was developer and producer of such devices.

Supplied equipment operating on modern domestic element power base was operated by a microprocessor control system equipped by a considerable quantity of diagnostic devices, produced and certificated by Automated Systems and Complexes CJSC.

Nefteautomatics OJSC (Open Joint-Stock Company) was another business partner of LLP «Kazgereco» (KAZGEREKO), which supplied SMQO (systems of measuring of quantity and qualitative oil indicators), for Kenlyk field.

Nefteautomatics OJSC carried out installation supervision of oil disposition blocks, adjustment works and subsequent SMQO commissioning.

Astana, Saryarka District, Taras
Shevchenko Street, 8/2, Kv
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«Aidan» studio