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Information about the environmental activities of LLP «Kazgereco» (KAZGEREKO)

  january 2021
LLP «Kazgereco» (KAZGEREKO) is one of the leading oil and gas producing enterprises of the Kyzylorda region of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The company conducts commercial production of hydrocarbons at the Kenlyk, South-West Karabulak, Aktau, East Akshabulak fields, and also carries out oil and gas exploration in a number of contract areas. 

Processing of raw materials and bringing it to the standard and quality of commercial oil is carried out in our own workshops and on equipment that meets the environmental requirements of the legislation.

In its daily business activities, the company strictly complies with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of environmental protection. One of the most important goals of the company is to ensure favorable environmental conditions for the life of the community, efficient consumption of natural resources, and reduce the negative impact of industrial production on the environment. 

For this end, the company on an ongoing basis carries out work, agreed and approved by the authorized body of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of environmental protection, the company receives the necessary permits in a timely manner, and submits the necessary reports on time.

In addition, by the efforts of a specialized contractor, the environmental impact is monitored at the company's fields on a quarterly basis. This organization has a mobile laboratory, which is equipped with modern equipment that allows to monitor air pollution by a number of parameters in real time. The contractor controls and monitors the quality of water and land resources. 

In order to reduce the flaring of associated petroleum gas, the company constructed and commissioned a gas utilization unit to avoid flaring of petroleum gas at the field. On the basis of the unit, associated petroleum gas is purified, processed and utilized. The resulting product - dry purified gas is used for the company's own needs, and gasoline is sold to various consumers.

The company also owns several different power generation plants with a total rated capacity of up to 22.5 MW, which use dry purified gas as their source. The generated electricity is used for own needs.

The company pays special attention to production and consumption waste. Thus, waste of ferrous and non-ferrous metal scrap, batteries, worn-out car tyre covers and tyres, fluorescent lamps, solid household waste are handed over to specialized enterprises for processing and disposal. 

Drilling waste generated during the construction of wells is processed by the enterprise on its own at a specialized temporary storage area at the Kenlyk field. Treated drilling wastewater is reused, and after processing, the drill cuttings are used for the company's own needs. 

Water supply to the facilities at the Kenlyk field for the company's household needs is carried out from the appropriate water intake wells. Water disposal is carried out through a centralized sewage system to the biological wastewater treatment site. 

Chief Environmental Engineer LLP «Kazgereco» (KAZGEREKO) K.Nurekeshev
Astana, Saryarka District, Taras
Shevchenko Street, 8/2, Kv
location map
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