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Social policy

february 2011

Transformation as an Interminable Process

Development and tendency to prosperity is an everlasting process aimed at future, which is not subject to time.

february 2011

New time - New Schools

LLP «Kazgereco» (KAZGEREKO) is the known sponsor of republican level, which actively stimulates development of domestic education system. The company headed by Serikzhan Seytzhanovich finances M. Shakhanov’s and K.Munaytpasov’s Secondary Schools and a variety of other regional children’s educational and preschool centres.

february 2011

Own Initiatives

LLP «Kazgereco» (KAZGEREKO) Company, which path is marked by kind acts, has recently implemented a variety of its own successful social initiatives, in addition to joint projects with regional Akimats. It has proved to be an active sponsor in sphere of public health services, culture and sports support, charitable help to veterans of the Great Patriotic War and labour, pensioners, invalids, children from needy families, orphans, other categories of socially insufficiently protected citizens.

february 2011

Contributions into Regional Social Sphere

LLP «Kazgereco» (KAZGEREKO), following a course outlined by the President of Republic is one of eminent and worthy sponsor of Kazakhstan social and charitable projects.

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