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февраль 2011

Rational recycling of passing gas

One of the major problems of any oil company is rational salvaging of a dissolved gas in order to increase the economic efficiency of oil extracting, prevention of environmental harmful effect. This direction is a vital task for LLP «Kazgereco» (KAZGEREKO).

февраль 2011

Preparation and processing of raw material

At present time, the oil branch of Kazakhstan occupies a predominating place in the country’s economical infrastructure. Incomes from hydrocarbon raw materials and its processed products earned on internal and export markets in many respects provide for annual magnification of gross national product of 10-15 %, hence, creating preconditions for Republic of Kazakhstan further prosperity and promotion, in order to make it one of the most dynamically developing world countries.

февраль 2011

Use of the advanced equipment

Use of modern equipment and technological innovations makes it possible to evaluate the ‘black gold’ quality based on temperature, gravity, dissolved gas share, etc. That provides for high results of water treatment.

Astana, Saryarka District, Taras
Shevchenko Street, 8/2, Kv
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