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Preparation and processing of raw material

  february 2011

At present time, the oil branch of Kazakhstan occupies a predominating place in the country’s economical infrastructure. Incomes from hydrocarbon raw materials and its processed products earned on internal and export markets in many respects provide for annual magnification of gross national product of 10-15 %, hence, creating preconditions for Republic of Kazakhstan further prosperity and promotion, in order to make it one of the most dynamically developing world countries.

Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbaev, the President of Republic of Kazakhstan noted in his speeches addressed to nation and international public, repeatedly, that the oil and gas branch success was due to rational approach to production, but not only to constant magnification of extraction and export. Mined raw rising to international standards, dissolved gas salvaging for the purpose additional income, careful attitude to ecology and creation of employee comfortable work and housekeeping conditions were the only major factors of modern business creation.

Such an approach is in accordance with general policy of LLP «Kazgereco» (KAZGEREKO), the large South Kazakhstan oil company, which follows its nation-wide path towards prosperity and transforming of Kazakhstan into one of world economy leaders.

LLP «Kazgereco» (KAZGEREKO) has been incorporated seven years ago. It is a rather young enterprise of the country oil market. Today, Kenlyk and East Akshabulak oil fields deliver about 450 thousand tons. The company has planned to increase the nearest future extraction to 550 thousand tons.

Thus one of the major priorities is improvement of oil quality and dissolved gas salvaging according to rational approach. Specifically, such works are carried out in Kenlyk new perspective field, which is located in Syr-Darinskiy District of Kyzylordinskaya Oblast.

Therefore, the LLP «Kazgereco» (KAZGEREKO) Central Point of Oil Treatment (CPOT) successfully works on Kenlyk filed. It was constructed by us. Here, the mined crude oil is cleaned from water, chloride salts, and other unproductive admixtures with the help of special equipment. Petroleum refining production has been completely automated, being operated directly by control room, in which each operation cycle is carefully traced, supervised and corrected by employees by means of computers.

Astana, Saryarka District, Taras
Shevchenko Street, 8/2, Kv
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