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Comfort of Personnel, Preservation of Environment


Special attention has been paid by LLP «Kazgereco» (KAZGEREKO) management to introduction of pollution-free high technologies, nature protection activity, provision of workplaces comfortable conditions for the purpose of harmony and human oriented environment.

The company has built comfortable camps with equipped infrastructure in its contractual sites of hydrocarbonaceous raw material extraction and new reserves exploration, including 100 km of internal settlements and up to 20 km of access motorways. Kenlyk and East Akshabulak deposits adjoining places were planted, equipped by athletic fields. Also, building of hotel complex with pond was completed in Kenlyk deposit.

LLP «Kazgereco» (KAZGEREKO) has recently launched large objects of gas utilisation, oil preparation and refining on Kenlyk deposit. They were constructed with taking into account modern demands on comfort and safety. Production was remotedly operated from control office, at which the duty engineers and operators traced processing stages, supervised technologies with the help of computer monitors. A camp has been built for personnel. It has perfect conditions of residing and rest. It is a whole complex including housing block with all conveniences, first-aid post, dining room, an athletic field, shower-houses, sauna, billiard, laundry. Employees are provided by free food, which annual ration includes milk products, fresh fruit and vegetables.

Astana, Saryarka District, Taras
Shevchenko Street, 8/2, Kv
location map
Aidan site designer
«Aidan» studio